The End of Ghost Content – Authorship Focus Defining a New Focus on Individuals – Many not Ready

The true cost of remaining anonymous, then, might be irrelevance – Eric Schmidt – Former Google CEO The search industry is all abuzz about the concepts around authorship markup (see postscript) and its effect on search results and content marketing.  Authorship markup, introduced in 2011 and has been getting regular improvements since.   Mostly applied to blog and news…

15 Actionable Thoughts About Content Marketing, Social Media Distribution and SEO

Content marketing is the new SEO.  It is centered on irresistible content and amplified by social media.  It includes blog posts, articles, white papers, videos, podcasts, and infographics.  87% of marketers use social media to distribute the content. Search engines use hundreds of signals to decide who ranks for a given query.  The most important…