I have 5 minutes… tell me the most important things I must know about SEO today.

Sometimes I’m forced to do a brain dump about the most important, cannot-skip, essential information about SEO in an incredibly short amount of time.    I need to use that limited time to simultaneously myth-bust and set the stage for future-proof programs..  It happens fairly often… an rarely sighted executive will “pop in” to a meeting,  someone will…

Franchise SEO and Franchise Websites – A Future-Proof Solution for Service Oriented Franchises [Updated]

Many franchises are operating their online marketing programs in a manner that gets them into trouble as they grow, or when they have turnover in franchisees.  The Franchise SEO programs designed for the Internet as it was in 2005 are no longer effective. Not only have users changed, but search engines and social networks have dramatically…

15 Actionable Thoughts About Content Marketing, Social Media Distribution and SEO

Content marketing is the new SEO.  It is centered on irresistible content and amplified by social media.  It includes blog posts, articles, white papers, videos, podcasts, and infographics.  87% of marketers use social media to distribute the content. Search engines use hundreds of signals to decide who ranks for a given query.  The most important…