Managed Rights Media & User Created Content- Birth of a Litigation Underground?

It’s the era of user-created content. Is there a minefield being laid by more and more sophisticated crawling tools employed by the stock agencies, the increase in user-created media, and the pinch felt by artists as microstock and low-cost stock shops grow. For those of us managing dozens or even hundreds of sites, it is very, very easy for an unauthorized image or illustration to make its way into a website. And then the fur will fly.

Abandonment: Leaving Live Customers for Phone Calls Makes ZERO Sense

Retail stores don’t seem to realize the importance of customer touch points. That phone call ringing in the background is not as important as customers already in the building. If that phone rings a few times, both the receptionist and the salespeople need to have confidence it will then ring to someone else for handling or to a well designed voice mail solution. Leaving a customer during the sales process is simply throwing away the entire process people have worked hard on up to that point.

Testing Designs (and Designers Testing)

Jakob Nielson’s latest Alertbox is the longest-read enewsletter in my list. In the latest Alertbox, he points out “designers can get so caught up in their own theories about how users ought to behave that they forget to test for cases in which people behave differently” Could it be that the mechanics of setting up multivariate testing neutralizes this “worry”? Should variable definition be more of a part of the web design process?