Managed Rights Media & User Created Content- Birth of a Litigation Underground?

It’s the era of user-created content. Is there a minefield being laid by more and more sophisticated crawling tools employed by the stock agencies, the increase in user-created media, and the pinch felt by artists as microstock and low-cost stock shops grow. For those of us managing dozens or even hundreds of sites, it is very, very easy for an unauthorized image or illustration to make its way into a website. And then the fur will fly.

Microsoft Adcenter follows Google’s Lead in Optimizing Campaigns for “free.”

It seems everyone’s bending over backwards to optimize my pay-per-click campaigns for free these days. Google did it a couple of weeks ago, and now Microsoft Adcenter has chimed in. Can the PPC campaigns really offer good value to customers without conflict-of-interest becoming a problem? Or is it a “when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” issue?